Project Partners

Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj (Lead Partner)
SRC Bistra Ptuj is the leading development institution and acts as a mediator between the public and the private sector. SRC Bistra Ptuj act as important scientific research and development institution involved in empowering development with knowledge and excellence, in the public and private sectors from Slovenia.
Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association
EMEA is an independent research institution and forum of debate that provides innovative, forward-looking thinking and political, socio-economic and financial integrated analyses on the Euro-Mediterranean Region and African continent in an emerging multipolar world. It strives to contribute decisively to the transition process in the Mediterranean and Africa amidst an unprecedented global financial and economic crises and geopolitical uncertainties and conflicts.
ENVIRONMENT PARK – Science and Technology Park for environment
Environment Park is the Technology Park in Turin that has been working on environmental innovation for over 20 years. It is a reference point for public administrations and companies that it supports in their sustainability paths. The Park provides expert technical advice and market solutions in Green Building (energy efficiency in building, SECAP and other territorial planning), Plasma Nano-Technologies, Green Chemistry (organic waste valorisation, circular economy, wastewater treatment, nature-based solutions), Advanced Energy (Renewable energy production and storage) and Clean Tech (technology transfer).
National Association of the Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria
The National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria (NAMRB) is a legal non-profit organization and the legitimate representative of municipalities in Bulgaria before the central government. All 265 Bulgarian municipalities are currently members of NAMRB. The association represents the municipal interest before the central government, it provides trainings and consultations, carries out analyses, surveys and assessments on topics related to municipal activities.
Regional Center for Development and Cooperation
RCDC is a non-governmental organization established in 2007 in Tirana, Albania as a non-profit center. Its mission is to contribute to sustainable development of regions through the provision of services of design, implementation and management of projects that contribute to the creation of an environment that will encourage investment and market expansion in the following domains:
• cultural and historical heritage & tourism development
• human resource development, employment & gender equality
• environmental protection
The Region of Western Greece (RWG) comprises the regional units of Aetolia-Acarnania, Achaia and Ilia, having its headquarters at Patras. RWG, as a second level public administration body and the Regional Development Fund with a special Department for the implementation of European projects and other networking activities. Within this policy framework, it is able to effectively support, as well as to address, policy issues to general and special audiences (citizens, chambers, universities, etc.).

Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis / Euromed Cities Network (Lead Partner)
The development/construction of sustainable urban planning, combining energy efficiency of private /public buildings, the diversification/development of renewable energy in urban/rural zones, the development of sustainable forms of urban transport (electro-mobility), the emphasis on green growth, and the promotion and development of an urban/peri-urban agriculture, along with the adjacent/close rural zones, are core themes of the Metropolis Nice Côte d’Azur (MNCA). MNCA plays a key role in different networks such as Euromed Cities Network and Eurocities. It signed the Covenant of Mayors and the EU Green Deal Charter. And chairs the Euromed Cities Network.
Catalonia Institute for Energy
The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) is a publicly funded institution created in 2009 based in Barcelona that conducts innovative research over a wide range of disciplines within the science and technology energy field, as well as transferring of solution and expertise to market actors. Activities include regional, national and international projects as well as direct cooperation with leading industrial partners and assisting political decision-makers. IREC has participated in more than 60 projects, it is founding member of the CEEC and KIC InnoEnergy. Additionally, IREC published more than 500 peer- reviewed papers, holds more than 30 patents and has supported the creation of 2 spin-off companies.
The University of Patras, founded in 1964, now includes 35 Departments covering a wide range of disciplines, notably regarding environment and sustainability. UPatras has evolved into an internationally recognised higher education institution, based on its diverse and innovative research activities. UPatras is part of 13 European and International Οrganizations and works closely with the local and regional authorities to meet the needs of the territory, neighboring regions, and the country.
Polis is a European network for dialogue and cooperation on innovative urban transport issues between cities and regions since 1989. It currently represents over 100 cities, regions, and transport operators from all over Europe. Polis’ objective is to support European cities and regions to improve the quality of life of their citizens through innovative measures for sustainable urban transport. The Network facilitates access to European initiatives and research programmes for its members, looking into solutions for urban and regional mobility, in the field of health and environment, traffic management and intelligent transport systems, road safety, and social and economic aspects of transport.
North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency
REGEA is a non-profit public energy and climate agency from Croatia, established in 2008 by Zagreb County, Karlovac County, Krapina-Zagorje County and the City of Zagreb. The agency actively supports its founders in developing projects, financing models and creation of strategic documents dealing with climate, sustainable energy and urban mobility. With over 40 experts, REGEA has proved its capacity to lead the energy transition by coordinating several relevant EU projects from the Interreg (NEW FINANCE, eCentral, CSSC Lab) and Horizon/LIFE programs (SmartEPC, IN-PLAN).
Regional Agency for Infrastructure Development, Building Renovation and Energy of Liguria
IRE is the public in-house company of Liguria Region dedicated to building and urban renovation, energy and infrastructures. It supports the Regional Authority and other Local Administrations in the planning and implementation of urban regeneration plans and actions (green areas, buildings, etc.); in the promotion of energy policies, projects and technologies (energy and climate planning, energy retrofitting and certification of buildings, promotion of renewable energy sources, etc.), and in the development of new infrastructures (roads, bridges, biking paths, riverbanks, etc.). IRE is member and Vice President of FEDARENE, the European Federation of Agencies and Regions for Energy and the Environment, a network of regional and local organizations which implement, coordinate and facilitate environment/energy policies across Europe. IRE is also member of RENAEL, the Italian network of energy agencies, with the aim of encouraging public decision-making on the topics of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.
Larnaca and Famagusta Districts Development Agency
ANETEL’s shareholders are the public authorities and civil society of Larnaca and Famagusta Districts. Through the participation in EU projects, it aims to transfer the outputs and results in the area. It has an institutional and operational role with a huge experience as a Lead partner/partner through the implementation of more than 55 projects that had a great impact on the area, consequently affecting the local/national policies. ANETEL uses the Living Lab and bottom-up approaches to engage and mobilise different stakeholders including the civil society at regional and national level through a constant dialogue and involvement, in order to identify new solutions and strategies towards sustainability and to design the upcoming strategy of the area.
Lisboa E-Nova – Energy and Environment Agency of Lisbon
Lisboa E-Nova Energy and Environment Agency of Lisbon, contributes to the sustainable development of Lisbon metropolitan area. It works towards a low carbon/less vulnerable city with a clear path to decarbonisation, focusing on the welfare of citizens and future generations, by applying integrated approaches to adapt to climate change, designing and implementing mitigation actions, supporting innovation and entrepreneurship that allow the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Albanian Agency for Energy Efficiency
The Agency for Energy Efficiency of Albania (AEE) is a public entity focused on climate, sustainable development, energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings, industry, agriculture, and transport. Its wide range of activities has one main goal: to reduce GHG emissions by preparing and adapting policies that facilitate this process and conducting regular investment projects aimed at the well-being of the citizens and consequently at better cities. In addition, AEE is conducting pilot investment projects that promote, and also have a direct impact on the goal to mitigate climate change through concrete actions.

1. Cobaty International
2. Mediterranean Association of National Agencies for Energy Management (MEDENER)
3. Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know- how in the Water sector – SEMIDE
4. Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change Foundation (CMCC)
5. Earth Watchers
6. European Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research (CIFE)
7. Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
8. Society for Sustainable Development Design (DOOR)
9. Centre for Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environment (CEEO)
10. Sustainable Business Network Slovenia
11. Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region
12. Liguria Region
13. Region of Peloponnese
14. Catalan Institute for Energy (ICAEN)
15. Barcelona City Council
16. POLIS Network
17. Greater Irbid Municipality
18. Green Building Council España
19. Association of cities in Republic Croatia
20. Centre for Social Innovation and Sustainable Development (CEDIOR); Croatia
21. Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar; Croatia
22. Foundation for Local Government Reform; Bulgaria
23. Municipality of Sfax
24. Institute for Transport Albania
25. Albanian Renewable Energy Association (AREA)
26. Association of Small Villages of Catalonia
27. National Association of Small Island Municipalities-ANCIM
28. Auvergne- Rhône-Alpes Energy Agency; France
29. Barcelona Metropolitan Area-AMB
30. Valencia City Hall
31. Ministry Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge; Spain
32. Slovenian Environment Agency
33. Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management (ACR+)
34. Urban Resilience Lab; Spain
35. European Forest Institute Barcelona/Mediterranean Facility
36. ENEA – Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
37. CTNE – National Technology Energy Cluster; Italy
38. DAFNI – Network of Sustainable Islands