A thematic community project and an Institutional dialogue project

Selection of joint activities open to additional Southern Mediterranean

Community4Living Areas-encouraging governance mechanisms that speed up
the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions,
through capacity building and knowledge transfer
leader: Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj (SI)
partners: Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (ES), MedCities Association
(ES), Environment Park (IT), Region of Western Greece, North-West Croatia
Regional Energy Agency, National Association of the Municipalities in the Republic
of Bulgaria, Regional Center for Development and Cooperation (Albania),
some of the associated partners: Greater Irbid Municipality, Municipality of Sfax

Dialogue4Living Areas-implementing a sustainable Euro-Mediterranean Green
Living Areas’ Institutional Dialogue Association, to reinforce, through a support
mechanism for key public stakeholders, cooperation in the Mediterranean area by
improving and transferring public initiatives and policies
leader: Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis / Euromed Cities Network (FR)
partners: Catalonia Institute for Energy Research, University of Patras, Polis
Network (BE), North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency, Regional Agency for
Infrastructure Development, Building Renovation and Energy of Liguria, Larnaca
and Famagusta Districts Development Agency, Lisboa E-Nova – Energy and
Environment Agency, Albanian Agency for Energy Efficiency
some of the associated partners: Mediterranean Association of National
Agencies for Energy Management, Euro-Mediterranean Information System on
know-how in the Water Sector, Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change