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Invitation to the Green Living Areas Thematic Community Kick-off event


The Green Living Areas Mission is pleased to invite you to the Green Living Areas Thematic Community Kick-off event which will take place on the 10th and 11th of April 2024 in Turin, Italy!

The Green Living Areas thematic community kick-off event, organised by the Community4LivingAreas – C4LA project, in collaboration with Dialogue4LivingAreas – D4LA project, has the objective of creating the green living areas – GLA Community by making the partners of the various projects aware of each other’s activities to build all types of synergies, from technical to policy exchange, among them. This first meeting among all the members of the Community represents the first of several steps that community members will take together during their project and that of the Green Living Areas Mission.

The kick-off event is organised over 2 days: 

Day 1 (10th April 2024) by invitation only:

Day 1 will be dedicated to Community building, with mutual presentations, co-creation workshops, and collaboration-driven activities. Participants invited: Lead partners, partners in charge of communication, synergies with the governance projects and public partners of the Green Living Areas Thematic Projects (this event is not open to the public).

AGENDA and REGISTRATION FORM for the Thematic Projects of the Green Living Areas Mission
Day 2 (11th April 2024) – public event: 

Day 2 will be dedicated to exchange best practices related to tools, strategies, and policy instruments for promoting greener territories and engaging citizens in the transition. It will be an occasion for cross-fertilization and amplification of the Community resonance and, moreover, the launch of the Institutional Dialogue Process of the Green Living Areas Mission. This event is open to all actors participating in projects and initiatives dedicated to improve the sustainability of the territory, notably public policymakers, technical actors supporting the projects, civil society organisations. It will take place at  Environment Park, Via Livorno, 60 – Turin.



We welcome all participants to the Green Living Areas Thematic Community. We are thrilled to embark on this rewarding journey in the Euro-MED ecological transition!