- Green Community Engagement TWG
- Green and Resilient Territorial Planning TWG
- Green Energy Systems TWG
- Green Mobility TWG
- Financing the Green Transition TWG
Key Points:
Peer Review of Key Deliverables
- Participants conducted peer reviews of essential deliverables from periods 1 and 2, focusing on transferability and replicability. The objective was to refine these deliverables to ensure they are adaptable to different regions and stakeholders.
- Governance projects, C4LA and D4LA, provided guidance on transferability, including considerations like the deliverable’s purpose, target audience, necessary competencies, and suitable territorial types.
Participation in EU Thematic Events
- The groups explored opportunities to collaborate on major EU events, such as European Mobility Week, Urban Mobility Days, EUSEW (June 2025), EU Green Week 2025, and the EU Week of Regions and Cities. These events aim to increase visibility and foster engagement across member projects.
Training for Improved Transferability
Upcoming training sessions, starting with a workshop in Barcelona in May 2025, will focus on enhancing the transferability of results. Key training topics include:
- How to design and produce transferrable solutions: tips and concrete approaches to introduce transferring as a relevant principle from the beginning of the project
- Financial instruments for the greening transition of Mediterranean territories
- How to be seen & understood! innovative communication tools to explain the project results to specific targets, including general public
- Policy-oriented pitch – how to do lobby to different policy-makers
Participants welcomed the initiative and suggested a focus on making projects more comprehensible to the general public. Enhanced communication, policy pitching, and adaptable solution design were highlighted as priority areas.
Plans for 2025:
- Key Community Events:
- Community gathering in Barcelona (May 29-30, 2025).
- National-level activities, such as launching Territorial Antennas to support thematic project partners.
- Policy-focused TWG meeting (February 27, 2025, 10 AM – 1 PM CET) aimed at municipalities and policy-oriented partners.
The session concluded on a high note, underscoring the importance of collaboration and shared vision. The TWGs aim to drive meaningful progress in green community engagement and sustainable development by leveraging collective expertise and fostering cooperation. The roadmap for 2025 sets a strong foundation for achieving lasting impacts across various thematic areas.